I recommend that people who want to do Insanity Asylum, but do not think they are ready to do T25 instead of Insanity.

In that sense I would say T25 is way more in line with Insanity Asylum then Insanity. Whereas Insanity was all about going at your own pace and not trying to look pretty. There is a lot of fancy footwork and trying to match your pace with the music. Another nice thing about T25 is that it requires way more coordination than Insanity. The cool downs that follow the workout are not part of the 25 minutes, but come after as an additional 2 to 3 minutes. That fact alone propels these workouts a level above the difficulty of the 21 Day Fix workouts. Which, means you need to be able to focus and make it through without a water break.

All the workouts are 25 minutes non-stop. The difficulty of level of T25 varies from phase to phase.

This is a very solid program, but has a few drawbacks, that prevent it from hitting platinum status. The program has dedicated strength routines, but will work best for those with cardio in mind. Great program for those wishing to workout a half hour a day (including the cool down).